Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Social Network

I saw this movie last night and it was actually pretty good. And it very well should have been because it won like four Global Awards over Inception! I'm still bitter that Inception didn't win any awards, it's such an amazing movie.

Anyways, I thoroughly enjoyed The Social Network, not because it was a really cool move with hilarious lines or sweet action scenes, but because it was about facebook. It was really interesting to learn how facebook got started, and who started it. All the actors and actresses did a really good job and the music in it was actually pretty good. So maybe it did deserve the award for best score. Maybe. I especially liked this man named Andrew Garfield..

So adorable, I know. He plays Eduardo Saverin in the movie.

After seeing this movie, I feel a little more connected to facebook now that I know the back story. In the movie, Mark Zuckerberg is super sarcastic and has really dry humor, but it's pretty funny. I don't know if that's how he is/was in real life, but I really want to meet him. He seems kind of awesome. He hasn't made an official comment on the movie, but if he's anything like his character in the movie, I'm sure he could really care less about it. Go Mark. Who cares what happened really, we should all be thanking him because he created the site that we all go on everyday. Justin Timberlake also did a really good job on his part; his character was an a-hole and he was very believable. I think Justin should just switch from singing to acting. Who else agrees?

So anyways, you should all see this movie. If not, you won't be really missing out on anything, it's just cool to know the story. I wouldn't buy the movie, unless it was in the $5 section of course, but, I'd watch it again.

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